1. Group Designation
Optical glasses are classified into groups on the basis of refractive indexes (nd) ,and Abbe-numbers (νd).
Table 1Group/Designation Correspondence
provides an easy reference to identify "equivalent" glass types between HOYA and SCHOTT
Group Name | HOYA | SCHOTT | Group Name | HOYA | SCHOTT |
Fluor Crown | FC | FK | Flint | F | F |
Dense Fluor Crown | FCD | FK | Dense Barium Flint | BAFD | BaSF |
Dense Phosphate Crown | PCD | PSK | Dense Flint | FD | SF |
Boro Silicate Crown | BSC | BK | Special Dense Flint | FDS | SF |
Crown | C | K | Fluor Flint | FF | TiF |
Barium Crown | BAC | BaK | Light Lanthanum Flint | LAFL | LaF |
Dense Barium Crown | BACD | SK | Lanthanum Flint | LAF | LaF |
Extra Dense Barium Crown | BACED | SSK | Niobium Flint | NBF | LaF |
Light Lanthanum Crown | LACL | LaK | Tantalum Flint | TAF | LaF, LaSF |
Lanthanum Crown | LAC | LaK | Dense Niobium Flint | NBFD | LaF, LaSF |
Tantalum Crown | TAC | LaK | Dense Tantalum Flint | TAFD | LaSF |
Crown Flint | CF | KF | Abnormal Dispersion Crown | ADC | - |
Extra Light Flint | FEL | LLF | Abnormal Dispersion Flint | ADF | KzFS |
Barium Flint | BAF | BaF | Low Birefringence Crown | LBC | - |
Light Flint | FL | LF | - | - | - |
1) Designation of Glass Lenses Pressed Blanks and Glass Polished Lenses.
All of the optical glasses described here are environment-friendly and composed of materials free of lead and arsenic.
Direct Pressed Blanks (DP) ![]() |
Re-heat Pressed Blanks (RP) ![]() |
Rolled and Sliced Blanks (RS) | |
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<Example Name> : FCD 1 : FDS 90 : E-FDS 1 |
2) Designation of Molded Glass for GMO products.
These are a series of low-melting-point glasses used exclusively for GMO products. They are designated by the prefix 'M-' .
Glass molded lenses (GMO)
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<Example Name> Glass molded lenses (GMO) " M-TAFD305 " |
3) Designation of Preform of Molded Glass for GMO products.
These are a series of low-softening-point glasses used exclusively for GMO products.They are designated by the prefix 'MP-' or'MC-'. Preforms of less than 5000mg in weight are offered as the hot processing perform are desingnated by the prefix 'MP-'.
Preforms of over 5000mg in weight are offered as the cold processing preform are desingnated by the prefix 'MC-'.
Preform (PF)
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<Example Name> |
2. Code
In addition to our glass type designation, a six-digit code number is used in this catalog. The first three digits indicate the refractixe index (nd) after the decimal point, and the last three digits represent the Abbe-number (νd).
In FCD1, for example, the nd is 1.49700, and the νd is 81.61, which we indicate as 497-816.